Antalya City | Antalya | Turkey
This is a day trip to well known Pamphylian cities Perge and Aspendos.

Perge was the capital city of Pamphylia , a vast Roman province, with a combination of Roman, Greek and Byzantine cultures. See the best preserved Roman Baths in Anatolia, the Agora, Colonnaded street, Nymphaion and a stadium with a capacity of 12000.

After Perge we move onto Aspendos, which was one of the most important cities of Pamphylia which was the original name of the Antalya region. Aspendos theatre is one of the best preserved Roman amphitheatre on the Asian continent. Built into a steep hillside and big enough to host 15000 people, this vast semicircular edifice was used to stage plays in second century A.D. It's perfect acoustics means that it is still used today for operas and ballet festivals. After visiting the amphitheatre you can experience the amazing engineering of the city's high aqueduct near the Eurymedon river.You will have the lunch break by Seljuk Bridge over the Eurymedon River.

After lunch break we will move onto Side where is a peninsula, famous with roman type of theatre. Side used to be one of the most important trade centre in antiquity and now it's one of the most popular holiday resorts in Southern Turkey.You will have free time in Side about 1 hour 30 minutes.